ANNOUNCEMENT! 4th National Forum of Public Sector IT Directors of, devoted to the impact of technology development on society to be held in Kyiv on 1-2 November

The 4th National Forum of Public Sector IT Directors, scheduled for November 1-2 in Kyiv, will bring together 300 public sector experts to discuss the impact of fast digital technology development on the work of public institutions and our daily lives, as well as changes and difficulties encountered by Ukrainian citizens in connection with transition to digital format.

The two-day forum is devoted to implementation of further steps towards e-governance development of in Ukraine, consideration of initiatives related to the creation of new “smart cities” and work with open source data, as well as discussion of cybersecurity issues.

The EGOV4UKRAINE project will present two large-scale IT development projects to be used to support the process of decentralisation and e-government development in Ukraine – namely, the Trembita secure data exchange system and the Vulyk information system.

Live broadcast of the forum, as well its programme can be found on the website

The 4th National Forum of Public Sector IT Directors is organised by the State Agency for E-Governance of Ukraine and is carried out within the framework of the EGOV4UKRAINE project with the support of the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden. The EGOV4UKRAINE project is part of support to improved administrative service delivery of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, aimed at creating a multilevel governance system that is transparent, accountable and responsive to the needs of citizens.

Contact persons for more information:

Mari Pedak, team leader working on implementing the EGOV4UKRAINE project of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, e-Governance Academy, +38 063 164 3550,,

Natalka Pinchuk, Head of Communications Department, State Agency for E-Governance of Ukraine,, +38 (093) 786-46-33; +38 (067) 657-07-52.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

31.10.2018 - 16:19 | Views: 13319
ANNOUNCEMENT! 4th National Forum of Public Sector IT Directors of, devoted to the impact of technology development on society to be held in Kyiv on 1-2 November

Attached images:


EGOV4UKRAINE announcement Administrative services


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