The Trembita system, supported by the EU, facilitates digital governance development in Ukraine

The Representation online conference «The Trembita system: how we have made data rather than people circulate» took place yesterday, March, 11, 2021. Conference participants discussed the importance of the data exchange system, aimed at Ukraine digital transformation, supported by the EU, its impact on citizens’ life and public institutions functioning.

«The EU is enthusiastic to support e-governance development in Ukraine. I am proud that the Trembita system, created by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, is the basis of the Ukrainian infrastructure of e-governance, – claimed Matti Maasikas, Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine – It improves the quality of providing electronic public services at the state and local levels, ensuring the successful decentralization and digital transformation implementation in Ukraine. The EU will go on to support the Trembita system within the EU4DigitalUA project for the purpose of achieving efficient, transparent and sustainable provision of public services to citizens and businesses. Let’s move on together!»

11.03.2021 - 16:22 | Views: 7119
The Trembita system, supported by the EU, facilitates digital governance development in Ukraine


Administrative services EGOV4UKRAINE elektronne vriaduvannia


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