The Potiyivska amalgamated hromada in the Zhytomyr Oblast became one of the first nine AHs, formed in 2015. 24 settlements with 3,5 thousand residents on the territory of 258 square kilometres amalgamated around the village of Potiyivka in the Radomyshl Rayon.
At the beginning of the AH work, the social infrastructure network was in a difficult situation. 4 schools, 2 kindergartens, 16 cultural establishments, 9 health facilities had a number of problems.
In course of almost three years the hromada managed to solve some of these problems. In particular, the first step was the purchase of its own fire truck.
Besides, the AH began to work towards modernising schools and kindergartens.
Along with the large-scale restoration of social infrastructure, over UAH 6.5 million were invested in road repairs.
The hromada has also started renovation of street lighting. It conducts negotiations with the European companies on the construction of a solar power plant. In addition, the hromada has significant potential for the production and processing of kaolin, since a brick factory was located here in the past.
The AH budget is about UAH 20 million, but these funds are not enough for strong economic development and solving numerous hromada problems. The AH has not yet solved the problem of solid household waste treatment, cultural institutions need modernisation and development, a significant part of local roads and regional highways require repairs. However, the hromada is convinced that with the powers, potential and financial resources these problems can be solved.
Experts of the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, provide advisory support to AH specialists in the implementation of projects and sectoral reforms.
It should be mentioned that 51 AHs have already been formed in the Zhytomyr Oblast, of which 45 are already functioning. Amalgamated hromadas cover more than 60% of the oblast territory and approximately 40% of the its population.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Житомирська областьГромади:
Потіївська територіальна громадаSource:
Житомирський Центр розвитку місцевого самоврядування
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