200 cities are waiting for perspective plans to be included in hromadas’ amalgamation process, - Oleksandr Slobozhan

80 cities of oblast significance are ready to join the process of hromadas amalgamation, but there are some problems. In particular, 8 cities of oblast significance cannot use the accession procedure because of the lack of specification of the perspective plans for the formation of capable hromadas, announced Oleksandr Slobozhan, executive director of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, during a press conference, devoted to the problems of AHs in the Kyiv Oblast, held at Ukrinform.

“200 entities, municipalities – cities of oblast, rayon significance – are waiting for procedures of their inclusion in the reform and amalgamation. The main problem is caused by unformed perspective plans. The Association of Ukrainian Cities has already addressed MinRegion and expressed readiness for joint work on the revision and reformatting of Perspective Plans of the oblasts,” noted Oleksandr Slobozhan.


Eight cities of oblast significance have already made their decision to give consent to the voluntary accession of adjacent village and settlement hromadas to them, but amalgamation around Bilyayivka, Khmilnyk, Kaniv, Berezan cities does not correspond to perspective plans, amalgamation around Lozova city partly corresponds, and amalgamation around the cities of Kolomyia, Voznesensk, Vuhledar completely corresponds to the perspective plans.


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