AHs are authorised to create civil protection units

How can AHs organise fast and professional assistance in emergency situations?

Vasyl Kundryk, Manager of the Firefighters-Volunteers Project, told about safety measures in amalgamated hromadas in the “Modern Hromada” programme of the Ukrainian Radio.

What powers and resources do AHs have to protect their citizens in the event of an emergency?

- In this regard, AH does not differ from other settlements. Like any self-government body, AH has the possibility and authority to create municipal fire brigades, volunteer groups on civil protection and elimination of the consequences of emergencies. Powers are standard. The only thing that has changed for AHs is the available resources. On the other hand, there are certain conflicts and misunderstandings, complex legislation provisions on certain points.

How can hromadas themselves form a sense of responsibility for the safety of their residents?

- This is a rather complex issue, because in many countries it happened historically. On the one hand, we need to start from the very beginning. On the other hand, various studies, including those conducted in 2016, show that citizens are ready to take an active part in this.

What is needed to create such a centre and is there already an understanding in hromadas what is required to unite the citizens' safety centre, fire and rescue service, the police and medical care service under one roof?

- A desire and funds are needed, since this is a complex infrastructure facility. Consequently, it requires a lot of investment. Speaking about understanding, not all hromadas fully understand what a safety centre is like and what functions it can perform. It should be clear that the safety centre is simply a way of economic efficiency of the maintenance of various infrastructure facilities.

What is required to start creating such centres, what are the first steps of AHs to establish them?

- If we talk about hromadas’ opportunities, including financial ones, then the source data of each hromada is different. But in general terms, there should be effective planning and analysis of relevant risks.

The “Modern Hromada” is issued each Wednesday, at 19:30, with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

14.06.2018 - 10:05 | Views: 14396
AHs are authorised to create civil protection units


safety Safety Centres


Українське радіо

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