Make video of your hromada and become winner of International TV Festival "DYTIATKO"

Children's video reports (up to 15 minutes) for “We Are Local Self-Governance” nomination of the International TV Festival DYTIATKO can be submitted till 31 May.

To be accepted for competition the work must be created by the author of a school age or by a children's studio (club) devoted to self-government. The Nomination Booklet can be downloaded HERE.

“We Are Local Self-Governance” nomination is introduced to encourage children to share their own vision of the future of their native land by the means of creative video tools.

Get to know the winners of the previous years – their stories can inspire you.

Tell about local self-government with a small video. What is it like and what would you like it to be? Film a story of your hromada and the changes that you have. Find out and tell others about the local leaders and the results of their work. Who helps to change your village, settlement, city? What are some interesting and useful novelties that appeared here recently? Your vision of the future of locality, where you live, your ideas and suggestions, as well as your participation in building your home country, are important. Show what and how things can be changed around, what young people can do and what they are already doing for development.

Fill in the online application on DYTIATKO Festival website and win a trip to the Council of Europe Headquarters in Strasbourg (France) with the support of the Council of Europe Programme "Decentralisation and Territorial Consolidation in Ukraine".

30.03.2018 - 14:08 | Views: 18238

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competition youth


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