The communication platform has started its work to gather executives and representatives of 24 regional Local Government Development Centres, oblast councils and oblast state administrations on a weekly basis in the format of working video conferences. Besides, this communication involves representatives of donor projects, experts in various fields and representatives of line ministries. During the meetings, two main blocks of questions will be discussed: the dynamics of the creation of AHs and implementation of sectoral decentralisation projects.
"The dynamics of the decentralisation reform in the regions is very important for us. It concerns amalgamation of hromadas, the status of sectoral decentralisation, in particular, the development of primary healthcare in rural areas, development of education, provision of administrative services, citizens' safety centres, etc. Therefore, we jointly with U-LEAD and regional offices of the Local Government Development Centre launch weekly video conferences. Today the priority is the regional cut, and as a result, the work of the regional offices of the Local Government Development Centre in cooperation with local authorities," said Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, on 26 March during a video conference with 24 regional offices of the Local Government Development Centre.
According to him, the attention of the regional offices of the Local Government Development Centre should primarily be paid to 152 rayons with no AHs established yet, and, accordingly, the work with hromadas on accelerating amalgamation should be carried out.
Hennadii Zubko informed that from mid-April, a financial calculator of hromadas’ capacity will start operating. This is a methodology for calculating the capacity of the hromada (in terms of rayon or AH) to maintain infrastructure built with the support of the state. "The methodology is very important, as it will allow at the approval of infrastructure projects, submitted by the regions and financed by the state, to see at which expense this infrastructure will be further maintained," said Hennadii Zubko.
First Deputy Minister Vyacheslav Nehoda outlined the main issues, as well as the tasks of regional LGDC offices. In particular, regarding the development of perspective plans for the establishment of AHs, formation of capable hromadas, accession to hromadas and work in areas with no AHs established. He also stressed that an important issue was the strengthening of the cooperation between regional offices and the OSAs, coordination with the Central LGDC Office, completion of the staffing of the Central and regional offices.
Deputy Minister Lev Partskhaladze presented the typical projects of modern outpatient clinics for the development of primary healthcare in the rural areas.
"90% of hromadas are located in the rural areas. Our goal is to provide high-quality rural healthcare, reduce the number of appeals to the secondary level, and pull through 65% indicator of cardiovascular diseases. MinRegion, together with the Ministry of Health, has developed a methodology of the primary healthcare network formation, there is a joint Order of MinRegion and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the procedure for the formation of a primary healthcare network. According to this Methodology, the regions are already building up the projects of capable networks, practical recommendations for typical projects of primary healthcare institutions. Besides, the Ministry of Health has already developed a list of health services that can be provided at the primary link and an exemplary list for equipping primary healthcare institutions," said Hennadii Zubko.
The next video conference will be held in a week, and the discussion can be followed online.
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Прес-служба Віце-прем’єр-міністра України
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