Modern ASCs to appear in AHs of Zhytomyr Oblast

The Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre established by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, held an information session for the members of AHs on clarification of the algorithm of hromadas’ selection, where the Programme will provide its support in establishment of Administrative Service Centres.

“This year, we have to select 150 hromadas to be assisted in ASC establishment, training of the team to provide quality administrative services and launching of a new institution. Selection algorithm is complex, but it guarantees that hromadas to succeed in it will be really able to provide public services at a qualitatively new level,” said Roman Matviychuk, expert of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

These expert sessions of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme on participation in the Roll-Out Phase are taking place in 22 oblasts of Ukraine, with the support of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine. The purpose of the event is to familiarise AH representatives and other local self-government bodies with the U-LEAD with Europe Programme in terms of establishment of administrative service centres, results of the Inception Phase, proposals of the Roll-Out Phase, and the terms of participation in the Programme.

“There are 45 hromadas in the Zhytomyr Oblast. This year, the U-LEAD with Europe Programme plans to establish 150 ASCs all over the country. Therefore, our hromadas can count on 15 centres, but to achieve this it is necessary to work actively and qualitatively during the selection process. We will help and support AHs in it,” said Vasyl Nevmerzhytskyi, director of the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre.

Within the frames of Roll-Out Phase implementation, ASC establishment / modernisation in the AH and hromadas of potential AHs (according to the perspective plans) will be supported. The total number of Programme participants by 2020 will make up to 600 (including 26 Inception Phase ASCs) and will be selected in four rounds. Within the first round, up to 150 participants will be shortlisted. Detailed information, rules and application for participation in the Programme will be published on the website by 4 March. The deadline for submission of applications for participation in the first round is 31 March 2018.

“The decentralisation reform dramatically changes the quality of life in hromadas. Today, there is state support for the process of forming an effective network of rural outpatient clinics, safety centres, educational and cultural spaces and administrative service centres. And the very ASCs will be a vivid example of these changes, bringing public services closer to the population,” said Liliya Popova, head of the unit for interaction with local authorities of the Department of Local Self-Government and Territorial Organisation of Power.

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme is one of the largest programmes of international technical assistance for Ukraine to support decentralisation. The Programme is funded by the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland, Sweden.

02.03.2018 - 10:20 | Views: 14811

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Administrative services Roman Matviichuk


Житомирська область


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