Supervision over lawfulness of decisions of local self-government bodies is responsibility of state, - Hennadii Zubko

Supervision over observance of the laws and the Constitution of Ukraine by local self-government bodies is an issue that should be considered in the context of the state’s duty to guarantee safety of its citizens and create a safe space for the comfortable living of hromadas’ residents. This is the main idea and the key objective of decentralisation.

This idea was voiced by Hennadii Zubko, Vice Prime Minister – Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, during the round table meeting on the observance of lawfulness of the activities of local self-government bodies, as reported by the press service of the official .

According to Hennadii Zubko, regulation of the activities of local self-government bodies should be carried out not from the point of view of limiting autonomy in socio-economic decision-making, but from the point of view of the interests of citizens and observance of the national security principles. And this is possible through the dialogue mode and through search for mutually beneficial compromises.

26.02.2018 - 12:38 | Views: 13554

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H.Zubko control supervision


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