The Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme announce a competition of regional healthcare reform support experts that will be part of the Regional Reform Support Groups and coordinate the implementation of the healthcare reform.
Regional Reform Support Groups are to supplement the support provided by the regional Local Government Development Centres, as well as the voluntary network of change agents and short-term expert pool.
The Ministry of Health and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme will provide the appropriate training of selected candidates prior to conclusion of the contract.
Duration of the contract: 12 months.
Place of work: the relevant oblast, where the expert lives. Experts should be ready for frequent trips to other regions. The U-LEAD with Europe Programme will provide experts with temporary workplaces, material and technical support.
Higher education in the field of healthcare or public health, public administration, law, finance, management or other related fields.
Experience - at least 3 years in managerial positions in the private sector, local government or NGO.
Experience in project management and well-developed managerial abilities.
Knowledge and/or work experience in the healthcare system of Ukraine are desirable.
Valid report on successful project implementation or public participation.
Developed negotiation, facilitation and presentation skills.
Responsibilities of experts
Promote the implementation of the healthcare reform at the regional level.
Coordinate work with stakeholders of the regional and local level in the healthcare sector and local self-government bodies.
Tasks for experts
Provide assistance and information support for the healthcare system reform for medical personnel, heads of healthcare institutions and members of hromada councils in the region.
Act as a focal point for the MOH and other stakeholders at the national level to coordinate local stakeholders and ensure multilateral dialogue.
Conduct analysis of experience in implementing the healthcare reform at the local level; collect and share best practices and experiences.
Conduct regular seminars with the participation of other experts (if necessary).
Assess the training needs and provide support in training organisation.
Provide support to local authorities and stakeholders in planning primary healthcare networks.
Provide assistance to local stakeholders in writing project proposals for grants/subventions.
Support healthcare institutions in the process of autonomation.
Applications filing procedure:
Send your resume and motivation letter to the e-mail address: till 28.02.2018 with a note “Competition of Regional Healthcare Reform Support Experts”.
In addition to expressing your interest, your motivation letter should include a description of your work experience:
with local authorities and local self-government bodies;
in the team;
with international projects/programmes;
regarding healthcare reform.
Shortlisted candidates will be informed about the results of the competition on 10.03.2018.
Contact person:
Viktoriia Karpenko (, +38 044 581 38 48)
vacancy competition healthcare
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