Ivanivska AH plans to establish communal enterprise to provide transportation services

Serhiy Dovbnya, head of the Rayon State Administration, held a meeting with Viktor Debelyi, head of the rural settlement of Ivanivka, and carriers of the Ivanivka Rayon.

It was previously agreed with the head of the rural settlement council that Ivanivka rural amalgamated hromada would establish a communal transport enterprise to provide passenger transportation services.

Serhiy Dovbnya suggested carriers to voluntarily legalise, register as entrepreneurs and pay taxes. “The Rayon State Administration conducts work on the preparation of a competition to determine a carrier of common use commuter routes that do not extend beyond the rayon, and it is desirable to have a carrier in the rayon,” said the head of the Rayon State Administration.

Viktor Debelyi said that work on the establishment of a communal transport company has already been underway. After the establishment of the enterprise, the premises will be allocated for garages, and positions of the head, accountant, medical specialist, locksmith, garage manager, and mechanic will be introduced. Serhiy Dovbnya promised to provide comprehensive support from the rayon state administration to the newly established enterprise in obtaining a license and recruitment.

19.01.2018 - 08:22 | Views: 10217
Ivanivska AH plans to establish communal enterprise to provide transportation services


Херсонська область


Іванівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Іванівська територіальна громада


«Рідна Херсонщина»

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