New modern ASC opened in Medzhybizka AH

On 26 December, the Administrative Service Centre of the Medzhybizka AH was opened in the village of Trebukhivtsi of the Khmelnytskyi Oblast, with the support of the Ukrainian and Swedish experts. With the establishment of the Centre, over 8 000 hromada residents have access to high-quality single-window services.

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme assisted the hromada in premises’ reconstruction, institutional establishment of the ASC, as well as equipment of the centre with furniture and modern technology with specialised software. The Centre will provide hromada residents with over 80 types of administrative services, including the most essential in the AH: registration of residents, registration of civil status acts, real estate registration, land, social and pension services. The service fee will be paid to the hromada budget.

Susanna Dellans, Project Manager of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s Support to Improved Administrative Service Delivery, said:

“We are pleased to congratulate the Medzhybizka hromada with establishment of a new comfortable ASC. Due to the decentralisation reform, amalgamated hromadas received a lot of opportunities, but, at the same time, more responsibility. I am convinced that access of the residents to administrative services they received with the opening of the Centre will be the beginning of qualitative changes and make the lives of the residents more convenient and comfortable.”

Mykhaylo Demkiv, head of the rural settlement of Medzhybizh, expressed his gratitude to the U-LEAD with Europe Programme:

“Due to cooperation with the Programme, our hromada has gained a great opportunity to open a modern and comfortable administrative service centre, where residents can receive the services in a high-quality and convenient way. I am convinced that our hromada will demonstrate excellent results and we will continue to share our experience with other hroamdas by continuing fruitful cooperation with international partners.”

Within the framework of the partnership with the Programme, the employees of the Medzhybizh ASC have passed a series of trainings, set up by the Ukrainian and Swedish experts specially for ASC employees in amalgamated hromadas.

On the eve of the opening, the residents were informed about the features of the ASC work, its advantages, rights and obligations of employees and consumers of services. The Centre is accessible to people with disabilities and has a children’s indoor play corner.

It is worth reminding that 26 ASCs will be opened in Ukrainian amalgamated hromadas within the framework of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme which aims at improving the delivery of local administrative services. The best practices for creating and improving the delivery of administrative services that are tested and implemented in the pilot hromadas of the inception phase will be applied to all ASCs to be opened or modernised within the next phase of the Programme. That is at least 600 ASCs by the end of 2020.

26.12.2017 - 16:23 | Views: 20245

Attached images:


Administrative services


Хмельницька область


Меджибізька територіальна громада


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