How do hromadas cooperate and engage donors to solve waste problem?

The Swiss-Ukrainian Project DESPRO together with the Municipal Governance and Sustainable Development Programme (MGSDP) have developed the Solid Domestic Waste Management Strategy (SDW), thus creating a basis for improving the level of service and further coverage of the entire Tulchyn Rayon of the Vinnytsya Oblast.

For the period of 2012-2017, the sum of funding of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategy implementation in the Tulchyn target region amounted to UAH 18.5 million. About 66% is DESPRO’s contribution, while the rest is funded from local, rayon, oblast and state budgets.

For the sake of establishment of a modern integrated solid waste management system, three hromadas with over 26 thousand residents have amalgamated: the town of Tulchyn, Kynashiv village council (villages of Kynashiv, Mazurivka, Nestervarka) and Suvorovske village council (rural settlement of Pestelya and village of Suvorovske).

An important event both in the life of the local hromada, and the country has taken place in Tulchyn this year – that is a solemn opening of the newly built solid waste management landfill site.



garbage cooperation cooperation practices DESPRO


Вінницька область


Тульчинська територіальна громада


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