Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman proposes to eliminate the practice of duplication of functions of local councils and administrations and update the normative base on the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine within the framework of the decentralisation reform. The Head of Government informed about this during the 2nd Forum of Amalgamated Hromadas. The forum was supported by the Government of Ukraine with the participation of President Petro Poroshenko and Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Andriy Parubiy.
“We need to adopt the law on the administrative-territorial system. It is necessary to eliminate overlapping of functions of rayon councils and administrations,” said Volodymyr Groysman. “In the area where one, two or three amalgamated hromadas are established within one rayon, there should be a widespread, full-fledged self-government on the AH basis.”
The Head of Government is convinced that local leaders elected by people understand the problems of the territories and ways to solve them better than any appointees.
“Our final model is a widespread local self-government with self-sufficient and strong hromadas,” said Volodymyr Groysman.
665 amalgamated hromadas have been established in Ukraine. As of October 2017, 5,7 million Ukrainians live there. Local elections have been held in 366 AHs. Since the beginning of the year, personal revenues of these 366 AHs have increased by 85% - up to UAH 7,5 billion.
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