"Our main victories are yet to come," Ratan Akhmedov, head of Koryukivska amalgamated hromada, on achievements and plans

The Koryukivska hromada differs noticeably among the amalgamated hromadas of the Chernihiv Oblast in terms of its own way and innovative approaches to the implementation of the decentralisation reform and the other changes. Forty villages and hamlets that occupy one third of the rayon area, and almost three quarters by the number of residents, amalgamated around the city. Most of people live in the city, and village demography is rather negative with some villages having no residents at all.

"Slavyanski shpalery" factory (wallpaper factory), located on the hromada’s territory, is the largest contributor to its budget. The company annually pays more than 300 million taxes to the budgets of all levels, invests a lot in infrastructure and social sector. In addition to it, the other agricultural enterprises, in particular the Joint Ukrainian-Chinese Enterprise "Fanda", the agroholding "Urozhay", industrial enterprises "Fanera Chernihiv", "Koryukivska Door Factory", state and communal forestry enterprises, Koryukiv thermal power plant and others, fill up the treasury as well. Therefore, the budget of hromada is financially independent from the state and to some extent serves as its donor.

We talked about hromada’s first steps, its successes and plans for the future with Ratan Akhmedov, head of the Koryukivska hromada.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click on «Українською» in the upper right corner of this web page.

17.11.2017 - 16:05 | Views: 19697
"Our main victories are yet to come," Ratan Akhmedov, head of Koryukivska amalgamated hromada, on achievements and plans


Ratan Akhmedov amalgamation of hromadas Best practices


Чернігівська область


Корюківська територіальна громада


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