Letychiv brings healthcare closer to people: the experience of mobile brigades

Letychivska AH unites 20 thousand residents of 44 settlements. Most of the population outside Letychiv lives in villages with the number of residents of less than 300 people. The number of family doctors willing to work there is constantly insufficient.

In 2016, Nataliya Kukharuk, chief physician of the Letychiv Primary Healthcare Centre, while passing her internship in Poland, found the solution in introduction of mobile brigades. This mechanism allows doctors to live and work in Letychiv, visiting remote settlements on schedule. The brigade, consisting of a family doctor, functional therapy nurse, obstetrician and a driver, arrives to every settlement at least once every 3 weeks, carrying out both an outpatient treatment of patients and preventive medical examinations. Between the visits of mobile brigades, the coordination of healthcare in the village is carried out by a paramedic or starosta (in the absence of rural health post).

Due to the introduction of the mobile brigade mechanism, the Letychiv Primary Healthcare Centre has involved and sustains 4 young family doctors, increased the attendance of the family doctor by 1.5 times, and reduced the number of emergency ambulance calls from the population by almost fifty percent.

Period from elaboration to implementation of the practice:

From January 2016 to February 2017.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click on «Українською» in the upper right corner of this web page.




Хмельницька область


Летичівська територіальна громада


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