President Petro Poroshenko emphasises that the implementation of the main reform in the country - the program of decentralisation - demonstrates large-scale changes throughout the country.
“The main task of the party is to bring the authorities, President, people’s deputies closer to ordinary people. To shorten distance and time for the solution of problems. The purpose of today’s meeting is to show you that the President, the Government and the Verkhovna Rada are willing to cooperate in the most efficient way,” the President stressed in the forum of the winners of elections in the amalgamated hromadas.
The Head of State reminded that during his presidential campaign three years ago, the cornerstone of his program had been decentralisation - “rapprochement of the authorities and citizens aimed to solve the problems”. He added that few people had believed in that reform at that time.
“Decentralisation has been promised for 25 years to the Ukrainian people. This not just a word, this is a transfer of real powers and funds to hromadas,” Petro Poroshenko noted.
The President reminded that constitutional changes were submitted at his initiative to allow conveying powers and financial resources from central authorities to local government. “Budgets of local councils have increased twice to turn local budgets, people’s deputies and leaders of hromadas into the leaders capable of solving the problems of villages and towns,” he stressed.
The Head of State reminded that due to the decentralisation, an unprecedented growth of local budgets had taken place for the first time in the history of Ukraine. According to him, the development budgets of hromadas have increased 6-7-8 times, as part of taxes has been transferred to the local budget. From now on, a mayor is responsible for using every kopeck, as he has this financial resource.
The President reminded that the share of local budgets grows steadily and must be at least 50%: “So that a hromada can plan its future”.
The Head of State stressed the importance of the initiative on a voluntary association of hromadas and time confirmed the importance of such an approach.
The President emphasised that the decentralisation allowed to implement large-scale infrastructure projects, start the repair and construction of new kindergartens, establish lighting, build new schools, new roads and realise many other projects. “People saw the scale of changes in every corner of Ukraine,” Petro Poroshenko said.
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