Oblasts will be headed by young people from amalgamated hromadas, and not by someone from Kyiv, - Petro Poroshenko

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko assured that in case of his victory in the second round of elections, oblasts will be headed by young people who have been active on the ground.

He said this during a political talk show “Pulse” on the “112 Ukraine” TV channel, Ukrinform reported.

“Regarding governors who do not have the appropriate level of support, this is a very powerful signal for the regional head of the existing problems. Immediately after the second round, after my victory in the presidential election, according to the Constitutional requirement, they will all resign from service. And there will be a lot of new, young people. Where do they come from? From amalgamated hromadas, where they have worked for several years, using the opportunities provided by decentralisation,” said Petro Poroshenko.

He stressed that “an elevator has to be arranged for these people to lift them to the level of the oblast centre, to the level of Kyiv, make them the heads of oblasts.”

“They already have confidence, experience, they are already completely transparent in their activities. And I will apply this very renewal of the team. There is no need to shuffle this Kyiv deck. We have to enable people from the regions to come and implement their experience, their best practices,” the President said.

17.04.2019 - 10:28 | Views: 8638
Oblasts will be headed by young people from amalgamated hromadas, and not by someone from Kyiv, - Petro Poroshenko





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