During the Regional Development Council of the Rivne Oblast, President Petro Poroshenko emphasized that decentralisation gave an opportunity of self-fulfillment to the young hromada leaders. “We return a true content to self-government,” he said.
"The idea of decentralisation is paving its way in the Rivne Oblast. This is evidenced by the first results and the readiness of the people present here to work for the sake of changes in the life of hromadas and the whole Ukraine," the President said.
The Head of the State remarked that Ukraine follows the European path. "We rely on trust, we want to achieve subsidiarity. It is no coincidence that I invited our partners from Poland, Germany to help us in writing a strategy for decentralisation. Many of your hromadas have partners in Europe. It already brings magnificent results: the state does only what the hromada can’t do," Petro Poroshenko said.
He also emphasizes that at the meetings across Ukraine he sees that the hromadas are now actively solving a lot of their problems. “I am pleased to hear such words in hromadas as “vision for 10 years”, “strategic perspective plan of development for 3 years”. The hromadas see both strategy and prospects,” the President said.
According to the Head of the State, there is a serious work and there is a deep understanding of the causes and consequences. "And most importantly - there are daily dialogues in thousands of cities and villages. In these dialogues, each member of the hromada has a vote. He/she defends his/her point of view, he/she believes that his/her opinion matters. To put it simply, decentralisation is an opportunity and the right of every citizen to come up with an initiative, persuade people around and make decisions about the life of the hromada," President added.
According to Petro Poroshenko, the future lies in effective leaders of hromadas at both - the hromada and national - levels.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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