On September 18, 4.30pm-5.30pm Kyiv time the USAID Health Reform Support invites interested organizations to the grant webinar that proposes financial opportunities for critical restoration activities in health care facilities related to the ongoing conflict. The grant webinar is aimed at clarifying grant procedures and application details for the Open Grant Application Program (OGAP) Restoration Grants.
The goal of OGAP Restoration Grants is to fund small-scale restoration programs and activities, returning healthcare facilities to full operations with increased capacity. The eligible regions for the grants are recently liberated or de-occupied territories with damaged/disrupted healthcare systems and/or territories facing significant pressures related to the war.
To register for the webinar, please send your name, organization title, and contact information via email to grant@hrs.net.ua.
Zoom link:
Password: 101619
The OGAP Restoration Grants are part of the larger Open Grants Application Program (OGAP) of USAID Health Reform Support that was launched in April 2023. It has two different grant programs:
If you have any questions regarding both grant programs, please contact: grant@hrs.net.ua
grant budget healthcare announcement
the USAID Health Reform Support invites
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