In the Shyrokivska municipality of the Zaporizhya oblast a great number of administrative functions in medical establishments are performed by outsourcing companies, particularly, providing meals, cleaning the territory, maintaining buildings and grids.
Such an innovation can be observed since 2018 in establishments of the primary health care. At the end of 2021 it became possible to introduce it at the secondary health care establishments. All medical establishment of the municipality function in such a way.
The head of the Shyrokivska municipality Denys Korotenko is sure that everyone must cultivate their garden. It is a precondition of high quality services. At the same time, it is impossible without sufficient payment, and a descent specialist is worthy at the labour market. A communal establishment cannot afford such specialists.
In a perfect world each hospital, communal enterprise or establishment have to target to profit but in the real world, at least they do not have to be subsidized for the budget of any level.
That is why the Shyrokivska municipality has given most processes, facilitating medical establishment functioning, to outsourcing companies, having both serious technical background and specialists.
Part of the services having been given to the outsource, in 98% of cases they have become chipper for the municipality and their quality has improved greatly.
Author: Денис Коротенко
Запорізька областьГромади:
Широківська територіальна громадаSource:
Українська правда
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