The Municipality budget tool is functioning at 200 municipalities — over 1 million Ukrainians have used it

Over 1 million Ukrainians have used the Municipality budget tool at the е-DEM platform. The tool allows the municipality residents to decide online how to allocate part of the municipality budget funds. Moreover, the All-Ukrainian Municipality Budget is being worked over currently. It was highlighted by Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Oleksandr Dudchenko during the briefing at the Cabinet of Ministers.

«The Municipality budget extends Ukrainians’ rights and opportunities, allowing them to participate in the local budget funds allocation and to see the outcome of own projects and initiatives. At the same time, jointly with the Ministry for Digital Transformation, the EGAP Programme and Council of Europe we are working over the All-Ukrainian Municipality Budget. Pilot projects have already been realized in the Poltava and Chernihiv oblasts at the e-DEM platform. The National Participation Budget is an innovative practice, available only in several countries of the world. It is great for Ukraine to be one of the first in this sphere, and to be able to increase the citizens’ e-participation nationally», — claimed Oleksandr Dudchenko.

09.12.2021 - 10:13 | Views: 4123
The Municipality budget tool is functioning at 200 municipalities — over 1 million Ukrainians have used it


participatory budget participation of citizens



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