During the meeting of the Consultative Council on local self-government the first deputy of the Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk emphasized the importance of making decisions, aimed at strengthening hromadas’ financial capability, as well as monitoring the decisions efficiency.
«It is vital for the Consultative Council on local self-government to do its main task — to make effective decisions. Once Henry Louis Mencken said, “There is a comprehensible, simple and wrong answer to each complicated question.” However, I urge everybody to search for the right decisions, those to solve the issue, though difficult ones. Our further projects should be formed according to a certain logics. It must not be limited just to defining the problem catalogue, but also forecasting their solutions and expected results, making necessary public decisions not only by the Parliament but also by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Office of the President; as well as monitoring whether the decision has achieved its objective», — emphasized Ruslan Stefanchuk.
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