A European-educated reformer from Kopychyntsi. An interview with a hromada head

Bohdan Kelichavyi, an international lawyer, having studied in Estonia and France, having worked in Canada, returned to Ukraine to participate in decentralisation. Now, being the head of the Kopychyntsi hromada of the Ternopil oblast, he has been interviewed by «his favourite portal».

«It is a great pleasure for me to communicate with Decentralisation, as in the beginning of the reform I used to read your portal from start to finish», – started our conversation Bohdan Kelichavyi, the head of the Kopychyntsi hromada. – I was happy to follow what was going on in Ukraine from Canada where I lived in 2016 and was eager to take part in it. Local self-government being my specialization, I communicated with mayors from different countries a lot. Moreover, one of my master’s papers is dedicated to digital transformation at the local level – using the example of the Kopychyntsi hromada where I was born and grew up. So, when an opportunity to work in the reform emerged, I bought a ticket to Kyiv. My wife supported me as she had grown up and worked in Canada but was born in Kopychyntsi too…».



Best practices Bohdan Kelichavyi article report


Тернопільська область


Копичинецька територіальна громада


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