December, 21 – an open dialogue «A new administrative and territorial arrangement – a new management system: an action algorithm for communal medical establishments and their owners»

At 10:00 on December, 21 there will be held an open dialogue « A new administrative and territorial arrangement – a new management system: an action algorithm for communal medical establishments and their owners».

Representatives of the local self-government and rayon medical establishments are welcome to participate in the online event at the Zoom platform.

The event registration is mandatory for you to take part in the open dialogue and be able to pose questions to speakers, local self-government and secondary medical establishments representatives.

The event streamline will be available at Facebook-pages of the DOBRE Programme, Decentralisation and the Ukraine Crisis Media Center, as well as at the Youtube-channel of Ukraine Crisis Media Center.

15.12.2020 - 11:20 | Views: 10314
December, 21 – an open dialogue «A new administrative and territorial arrangement – a new management system: an action algorithm for communal medical establishments and their owners»


healthcare announcement


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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