Studying your mother tongue: how decentralization assists in preserving your language identity

Parallel forms with two languages of instruction and some other peculiarities can materialize for more than 130 various nationalities, living in Ukraine.

Decentralisation has raised a lot of issues around how local national minorities development will be facilitated in the newly formed hromadas, particularly, in the sphere of education and community language support alongside with the Ukrainian language of instruction. Answers to all those questions can be found in the experience of the multi-ethnical hromadas, having united during the voluntary formation phase and having been successfully serving their residents’ interests as it is the case with the Mmalyhivska AH in Bukovyna. It testifies to the fact that making the decision-making level in school education closer (from the rayon state administration — to AHs and school administrations) enables to consider local inhabitants’ needs much better.  All that is covered in the material.

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