How to develop culture in hromadas: opportunities, resources, challenges

How will cultural facilities be «divided» following the old rayons liquidation? What opportunities are currently available for the cultural development? How can hromadas cope with the inherited cultural facilities? How can one event help a hromada, for instance, to repair a road?

All the above mentioned and many other issues were discussed during a public discussion, conducted in the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre, involving representatives of the central executive power, international technical aid projects, local self-government and experts.

“In Ukraine culture and history are the pillars, ensuring prosperity and national experience depth. Culture is of equal importance with the proper management, powerful economy or social justice. Today we are talking about the significance of maintaining and developing culture and cultural services within the decentralization context. We take into account the changes, brought by the reform both at the national and local levels. Decentralisation is one of the most important reforms in the country and success for Ukraine”, claimed James Hope, USAID Mission Director in Ukraine and Belarus.


culture V.Nehoda O.Harnets


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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