To turn libraries into a place, meeting the demands of AH residents, the Ukrainian Library Association in partnership with Daryna Zholdak Foundation is fulfilling the project « The Four Library Spaces: Library Innovative Activity», funded by the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.
«We have analysed the available successful experience, first of all, the foreign one, developments and realizations of innovative library spaces, as well as multifunctional cultural public centres. Based on the work results an innovative library model, combining four spaces: training, inspiration, a place for meetings and events, will be developed and introduced in September», - emphasized Oksana Brui, the president of the Ukrainian Library Association.
The innovative library modeІ will be represented in an electronic publication – a special manual, containing practical tips. It will also describe the methods of innovations practical realization and samples of space design.
In October there will be held an online-forum, during which the participants will be developing their own library models and will find out financial opportunities of up-dated libraries creation.
ВГО Українська бібліотечна асоціація
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