Global library transformation in hromadas: the Ukrainian Library Association project is starting

The Ukrainian Library Association is realizing a project called «Four Library Spaces: The Innovative Activity Pattern», aimed at making Ukrainian libraries a conceptually new innovative space with a set of services and opportunities. The project won in the grant programme of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and is being fulfilled in partnership with Daryna Zholdak Foundation.

As a result of its realization an innovative library pattern will be developed to combine four spaces: education, inspiration, meetings and events. Such a format will make it possible to involve more young people in libraries, becoming a place for them to realize their creative potential and to acquire knowledge and skills, necessary for them in their adulthood. It is especially topical for towns, settlements and villages with limited opportunities of the youth potential development.

All those concerned are invited to fill in the registration form.

26.06.2020 - 15:28 | Views: 16560
Global library transformation in hromadas: the Ukrainian Library Association project is starting


culture competition libraries


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