How Ust-Putylska AH introduces transparence tools

Since 2019 the Diyemo project («Decentralisation Offering Transparence and Efficiency in Medicine and Education») has been cooperating with 19 AHs from 13 regions. Both large city hromadas and little settlement ones participate in the project. The main project decision is the approach that it is not worth multiplying additional structures, meaning nothing but red tape. It is much better to integrate anti-corruption tools to those available ones.

That is the case with Ust-Putylska hromada of the Chernivtsi region.

Within the Diyemo project, the hromada has chosen a set of anti-corruption tools to be realized, including the Public Anti-Corruption Council and Anti-Corruption Programme.

In addition, with the help of the Public Partnership «For Transparent Local Budgets!» and the Diyemo project, the hromada is establishing the Supervisory Board at the local schools and medical facilities.

25.06.2020 - 12:24 | Views: 8135
How Ust-Putylska AH introduces transparence tools

Attached images:


participatory budget participation of citizens anti-corruption


Чернівецька область


Усть-Путильська територіальна громада


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