Decentralisation in the Constitution: the Fundamental Law amendments are being discussed. In May the amendments will be submitted for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to be considered

The draft of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, fixing the reformed system of the local self-government and territorial power arrangement as well as powers and authority, is still being prepared. Despite the quarantine, the process hasn’t stopped. Since the latest meeting of researchers, constitution experts, people’s deputies of Ukraine and linguists, having occurred on March, 13, its participants have prepared propositions concerning administrative and territorial arrangement levels, territorial power arrangement at each level, powers and authority of the local executive bodies and, separately, of the local self-government bodies. The above mentioned propositions are based on the suggestions made during the regional public discussions with the local self-government, held at the period from March, 27, to April, 4. The linguists expressed their opinion of the terms: the future rayons names and posts of the local executive bodies heads, the Ukrainian social and political traditions having been taken into account.

Today there has been conducted a video conference, aimed at discussing the prepared propositions, involving all Ukrainian associations of the local self-government bodies, people’s deputies of Ukraine, representatives of the MinRegion, constitution experts, researchers and experts.

«Currently we are discussing each block of propositions jointly, looking for a compromise in case of discrepancies. But it is vitally important not to lose the main thing – the reform effective results, we have to strengthen hromadas. It is also necessary to solve the problem of administrative and territorial arrangement. Without it further reforming will be at a standstill», - commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.

27.04.2020 - 18:17 | Views: 12549
Decentralisation in the Constitution: the Fundamental Law amendments are being discussed. In May the amendments will be submitted for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to be considered

Attached images:


Konstytutsiia obhovorennia Constitution V.Nehoda Oleksandr Korniienko


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