Reforming the State Architecture and Construction Inspection of Ukraine shall not worsen the quality of architecture and construction control services in hromadas, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

The local self-government bodies are interested in developing their villages, settlements and towns – particularly, developing infrastructure, involving investment, etc. As no one else they are interested in creating transparent and comprehensible rules in the sphere of construction on their territory. The hromadas, having obtained the delegated authorities of the state architecture and construction control, faced the problems of interpreting the resolutions, recently adopted by the Government, concerning the reform of the state architecture and construction control and supervision system.

The issue was commented by Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, during an online-meeting with the local authorities, authorised to exercise the state architecture and construction control.

16.04.2020 - 18:15 | Views: 12326
Reforming the State Architecture and Construction Inspection of Ukraine shall not worsen the quality of architecture and construction control services in hromadas, - Vyacheslav Nehoda


State Architectural and Building Inspection V.Nehoda


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