The coronavirus pandemic has shown the reality, having been ignored by many people – the local self-government is in the frontline of representing citizens’ interests and protection. Local authorities are actively involved in counteracting the coronavirus spread, making vital decisions to protect citizens’ life and health. It can be claimed that powerful Ukraine is impossible without powerful self-government.
That is why successful completion of the decentralization reform is of vital importance, complying with interests of citizens, of the local self-government and the state of Ukraine. Decentralisation is the only right way.
Nowadays we are close to all the necessary decisions being made as never before.
The strategic target is holding the local election on October, 25, 2020 on the new territorial basis on the level of hromadas and rayons.
Author: Іван Лукеря
I.Lukerya rayon amalgamation of hromadas perspective plan
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