Hromadas partnership for the efficient ASC creation. The sixth video-lecture of the course «How to Create a Proper ASC»

What is cooperation of territorial hromadas in the sphere of administrative services? Why is it worth applying? What are the peculiarities of different forms of hromadas cooperation? What is the procedure of drafting and concluding a contract on cooperation? How are funds netted to the budgets of different levels for providing services, based on inter-municipal cooperation? What are the current challenges and risks of using inter-municipal cooperation? These and other questions are answered by Roman Matviychuk, an expert of the administrative service provision quality enhancing of the U-LEAD with Europe programme,  in the new video-lecture of the course «How to Create a Proper ASC» - ASC, based on inter-municipal cooperation.

All video-lectures of the course are available in the special section of the Decentralisation portal:
and at:


Administrative services cooperation Roman Matviichuk


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