Agglomeration: the story of the lost decades of development

Vitalii Bezghin, a people’s deputy, the head of the subcommittee on administrative and territorial arrangement of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the state power organisation, local self-government, regional and urban development in his interview for the Ukrainska Pravda (Ukrainian Truth) assured that the Law on Agglomeration would be adopted in 2020.

Bill №2637, legitimising common efforts of the city authorities and local councils of the adjoining settlements as an agglomeration, has been successfully considered by the line committee and soon will be subject to the first reading at the Verkhovna Rada.

The bill treats an agglomeration as a kind of cooperation of a city and adjoining settlements, referred to as "satellites", enjoying common economic and investment interests, with a major part of the "satellites" working population being integrated into the city and having stable social relations there.

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14.02.2020 - 13:56 | Views: 11165
Віталій Безгін

Author: Віталій Безгін


agglomeration Vitalii Bezghin

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