Ski slopes with lighting, hockey and boxing tournaments, modern sports multifunctional playgrounds, unique “educational fairy” libraries, construction of a green power station and the largest foreign investment in Ukraine for the construction of a giant plant. These are all the realities and prospects of the Horodnyanska amalgamated hromada in the Chernihiv Oblast.
During its three years of existence, the hromada has not only got to its feet, but also confidently overcomes the barriers of the stormy present. Even more so – the AH successfully implements projects that make people's lives more comfortable and much more interesting.
“Despite significant difficulties, we managed to save all schools. We have not closed any schools. Moreover, we transferred all kindergartens and schools to an independent disposal of funds. We give them money – they buy everything they need themselves. A library is another interesting project in our hromada. In villages with fewer than 10 preschool children, it is unprofitable to keep kindergartens. That is why there is such a project at local libraries. Parents take their children to the libraries and the librarian works with them. This is very important for socialisation. We have library nannies, for example, in Pekurivka, Dibrivne, Konotop,” said Andriy Bohdan, head of the Horodnyanska AH.
“Not all at once. But we are actively engaged in this. We will not manage to do everything for this winter, but by the next, it will be ready. Ski slopes with lighting, a warm premises for vacationers and hot tea,” promises Deputy Mayor Vitaliy Mamedov.
Of course, as anywhere, Horodnya’s economy largely depends on its business. There are many business entities here. One of them deals with the production of solid wood briquettes. Horodnya briquettes are sold not only in Ukraine but also abroad.
An important nuance – these briquettes are environmentally friendly, do not contain harmful impurities and when being burnt produce no smoke.
Various exotic trees are grown here.
But the residents are not going to stop at this point. They think, dream and act.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
amalgamation of hromadas Andrii Bohdan
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