Internet radio without Internet: unique radio receiver created in Mykhailivska AH

The Mykhailivska rural hromada of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast created a radio receiver, which has no analogues. Due to it every home will be able to listen to Internet radio, even if the house is not connected to the World Wide Web and there is no computer.

This receiver was made by Denys Protsenko, electronics engineer and computer science teacher at the Lyutserna Educational Complex of the Mykhailivka Village Council of the Vilnyansk Rayon, on the basis of a hardware computing platform for amateur design using a minimum of parts to reduce the cost of the project. "The case belongs to a speaker made in China. A workbench was assembled on the basis of the breadboard. These receivers get signal via Wi-Fi. So, although we use Internet broadcasting, we don't necessarily need a computer to listen to the radio. That's the uniqueness of the project,explained Denys Protsenko.

Денис Проценко

The first prototype took about UAH 300. According to Taras Lemish, deputy village head of the Mykhailivka Village Council, if case of industrial-volume production, one device will cost UAH 70-100.

In general, it is estimated that creation of such a radio station will cost UAH 100.000 – the cost of making radio receivers to cover the whole hromada, broadcasting equipment, production of information product.

Тарас Леміш

They plan to disseminate technology beyond the AH by creating a rural radio network, as rural residents have similar problems in different parts of the country.

“Informing residents for amalgamated hromadas is an acute issue. There are many changes going on, and it is important for people to understand them and get expert explanations. This will help to avoid the spread of false information and, consequently, frustrations and conflicts. Based on the opportunities, hromadas of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast are trying to find the best ways of communication, going into new developments,said Natalia Selyukova, communications adviser of the Zaporizhzhia Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


komunikatsii participation of citizens


Запорізька область


Михайлівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Михайлівська територіальна громада


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