On 28 September at 11:15 a.m., viewers of the "1+1" channel will see the third issue of the «Million-Hryvnia Hromada. Specialists” social reality. Hotel managers will share their experience: a specialist from Germany, where the cult of order prevails, will work in the highland Carpathian hromada, and a woman-hutsul from Ukraine will manage the luxurious hotel in Western Europe.
Ukraine is represented in the new exchange by Viktoriia from the Biloberizka hromada in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. She works as an administrator at the hotel and restaurant complex, which is her family business. Since 2016, when four villages amalgamated in one hromada, the qualitative changes have started here, in particular kindergartens have been renovated and a school bus launched. During the exchange in the project, Viktoriia seeks to take over the European experience of hotel and restaurant professionals and direct it to the development of her family business.
Frank, director of the hotel at a local resort, goes from Germany to Ukraine. Now his institution brings big profits, and it is exemplary and popular among tourists, although nobody of his friends believed in his success. In the German community, all roads are repaired, and there are golf courses. An interesting fact is that the local head does not get money for his work. He is compensated for transportation, dinner and business meetings, however, to feed the family, he should look for additional work.
Find out what conclusions will be drawn after the exchange by the project participants and whether German advice will help the Hutsul business already this Saturday at 11:15 a.m. in the "Million-Hryvnia Hromada. Specialists" reality on the "1 + 1" channel.
It is worth mentioning that, according to the terms of the second international season of the project, members of the social reality - teachers, doctors, hoteliers, experts in tourism, culture and youth, heads of villages and hromadas – will go to another community to take a similar position to exchange experiences for a week. In total, 16 professionals from six European countries - Ukraine, Finland, Germany, Italy, Estonia and France - took part in the new season.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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