Participant of the new issue of “Million-Hryvnia Hromada. Specialists” to force drivers to refuse from their cars

This Sunday at 9:45, 1+1 TV Channel viewers will see the final release of the new season of social reality “Million-Hryvnia Hromada. Specialists”. Youth workers will exchange experience: Zoryna Fedorchuk from Novoukrayinka in the Kirovohrad Oblast goes to the Ukrainian Switzerland – the Tyachivska hromada in the Zakarpattia Oblast, and Serhiy Hyrych, called Zakarpattia Messi, visits her city.

The final reality release promises to be one of the brightest and most intense. Participants need to show their creativity, ability to work as a team and unite people around them. Zoryna, for example, is to arrange an environmental flash mob, in which she will stop all transport in the hromada, while Serhiy will be in charge of organisation of an active and safe competition of skateboarders and roller skaters.

According to the terms of the second international season of the project, members of the social reality - teachers, doctors, hoteliers, experts in tourism, culture and youth, heads of villages and hromadas – will go to another community to take a similar position to exchange experiences for a week. In total, 16 professionals from six European countries - Ukraine, Finland, Germany, Italy, Estonia and France - took part in the new season.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

01.11.2019 - 14:43 | Views: 9011
Participant of the new issue of “Million-Hryvnia Hromada. Specialists” to force drivers to refuse from their cars

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million-hryvnia hromada


Закарпатська область Кіровоградська область


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