We are moving on from evolutionary phase of hromadas’ amalgamation towards amalgamation based on capability principle, - Alyona Babak

"We have gone through the evolutionary phase of hromadas’ voluntary amalgamation, and now we are moving on to the next one – amalgamation based on the capability principle. We do not need 73% of subsidized AHs, that we have now. Our key task is to build up capable AHs and to deliver administrative and social services available for people at the level of hromadas,” outlined the key tasks of decentralisation Alyona Babak, Minister of Development of Communities and Territories.

According to the Minister, amalgamation based on the capability principle should become the basis for the country's economic growth. It was impossible to achieve the abovementioned relied on the old grinding system of the administration order and power organization. Therefore, the reform of local self-government should not be impeded, but it must be faster, more active and it should happen.

“We have 6,572 territorial communities that are not amalgamated yet. By the end of 2020, we have to complete the process of establishing AHs based on the capability principles and ensure the local self-government everywhere. The entire territory of Ukraine should be covered by AHs. In fact, 1300 - 1400 AHs can be established,” she emphasized.

The Minister added that the next local elections are to take place at the new territorial basis of hromadas and rayons.

"The new administrative order will continue to have three levels, which correspond to the European nomenclature division of territorial units. The first level is a hromada, the second one is a rayon, and the third one is a region,” said Alyona Babak.

According to the Minister, the existing 490 rayons need to be enlarged that will significantly reduce their number. "If we are going to follow the European standards, our rayons must have 100,000 and more residents. We also have to decide on responsibilities of local self-government bodies at the level of rayons and oblasts, and on responsibilities of central executive bodies," she said.

These changes will provide the comfortable environment for people's lives, access to high quality services and agree the interests of the state and territorial communities.

20.09.2019 - 11:36 | Views: 21603
We are moving on from evolutionary phase of hromadas’ amalgamation towards amalgamation based on capability principle, - Alyona Babak


Alona Babak amalgamation of hromadas rayon



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