UAROR experts modelled three capable rayons of Volyn Oblast instead of 16


The Volyn Oblast can get three rayons instead of 16 existing ones.

This model of administrative and territorial structure at the subregional level was presented by the experts of the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils (UAROR) during the second thematic roundtable in Lutsk, held on 9 September.

In future, the following rayons may appear on the map of the oblast: the Lutsk Rayon (451,7 thousand people), Kovel Rayon (404,8 thousand people) and Volodymyr-Volynskyi Rayon (181,4 thousand people).

“Considering your proposals and applying the methodology, we see 3 capable rayons. However, even today, it is important for us to hear your opinions as the map is still being adjusted,” said UAROR expert Oleksandr Danylenko.

It should be reminded that the presented map will form the basis of the Draft Law on Changing and Establishing Boundaries of the Volyn Oblast Rayons.


rayon Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils


Волинська область



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