4 instead of 25: UAROR experts presented a new map of Kyiv Oblast

The Kyiv Oblast may have 4 rayons instead of the current 25. This vision of the subregional division of the oblast was presented today, 6 September, by the experts of the Ukrainian Association of the Rayon and Oblast Councils (UAROR) at a thematic roundtable.



Thus, the new map may consist of the BilaTserkva (more than 487,2 thousand people), Brovary (473,9 thousand people), Vasylkiv (435,8 thousand people) and Irpin (358.8 thousand people) Rayons.

According to UAROR expert Oleksandr Danylenko, the vision was formed on the basis of the appropriate methodology and analysis of proposals made after the first stage of discussions.

“The Kyiv Oblast is a rather difficult area for modeling, given the capital, infrastructure, geographical and environmental specificities. However, we need to understand that there are rules and mechanisms in place for modeling to make the rayon truly viable in the future. This is a technique that we have already used quite successfully in other oblasts of the country,” said the expert.



Alternative models were also presented to the roundtable participants.

Individual local self-government representatives of othe Kyiv Oblast prepared and presented a map with 6 rayons: the Bila Tserkva, Brovary, Fastiv, Obukhiv, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi and Irpin ones.

In its turn, the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Kyiv Oblast State Administration has worked out 5 rayons: those of Bila Tserkva, Brovary, Vasylkiv, Irpin, and Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi.

After finalisng the proposals of the roundtable participants, UAROR experts will develop a draft law and submit it to the Cabinet of Ministers.



It should be reminded that the roundtable meeting was held within the framework of the Project of the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils on “Modeling of the administrative-territorial system at the subregional level”, implemented with the support of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Reform in Ukraine”.


Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils rayon


Київська область



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