Digital Hromadas. AH website as an investment portal: steps to create and develop it


There is no hromada that would not want to find its investor. Better even two. Today, in the Digital Hromadas section, the DOBRE Programme advises how to turn a hromada’s official website into a full-fledged investment portal.


Why does hromada need an investor?


Investment in a hromada is not just about image and recognition, but above all, an indicator that AH is constantly evolving and worth cooperating with.

The investor's arrival influences all spheres of hromada life, from education (it is necessary to form new personnel at the request of business) to telecommunications.

How will a website help attract an investor into the hromada?

We offer a mini-strategy for turning the website into an investment portal:

  1. Make sure an investor has enough background information about your hromada. You can place all the basic information about the AH in the “Economic profile” block. See how the Oleksandrivska AH tells about itself:
  1. Bring a project, i.e. of a plant, to the Hromadas’ Projects block. Create a separate initiative card with comprehensive information about the project, goals, budget, contractors, responsible persons and the lasting impact of the project on hromada development. See how the Sofiyivska AH tells about its open ideas:


  1. Transparency is above all. Show the hromada budget – this is how the business will see what sums and how are spent in AH. Make the hromada enterprise register public – so it will be easier for business entities to evaluate their competition and find additional partners. See how the Open Budget application works in the Bashtanska AH:


  1. Translate the official hromada website into English. Yes, it is not always possible to translate it right away. As we advised before, follow the agile methodology – that is, do it gradually.

Hromada priorities are changing rapidly, and it is natural for official websites to adapt quickly to new conditions. Dosvit platform was created based on this principle, and DOBRE partner hromadas work with this platform – in just a few clicks you can configurate appropriate applications.

You can find a large series of tips for the digital component of hromada development in Digital Hromadas section.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


DOBRE Dosvit elektronne vriaduvannia


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