There is nothing impossible to a willing heart. This directly concerns the Dunayevetska AH in the Khmelnytskyi Oblast, visited by the team of the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) and
The Dunayevetska hromada is an ecological AH, and, prior to decentralisation, the dreams of waste management system implementation were only dreams. The reform allowed the hromada to solve many issues not resolved over the years. The first steps included purchase of a waste sorting line, garbage containers to collect waste in 51 hromada settlements, conclusion of agreements with the population on garbage collection service delivery, introduction of educational hours on the culture of solid household waste management in educational institutions.
The hromada has already eliminated all spontaneous landfills. One can only imagine how many landfills each AH village had.
Now hromada residents sort paper, plastic and hand them over for recycling, thus the AH receives funds to maintain the sorting line and pay salaries to its employees. Soon, the glass will be sorted as well.
This is one of thousands examples that explains what decentralisation is.
Хмельницька областьГромади:
Дунаєвецька територіальна громадаSource:
Прес-центр ініціативи «Децентралізація»
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