The contemporary library should be transformed and become a modern information space, where it is comfortable and convenient to work, read, communicate and relax. In fact, it will be the cultural and creative centre of AH.
Five libraries of the Parafiyivska hromada have moved to the balance of the Parafiyivka Village Council since January 2019. They were united into one public library with a central one in Paraphiyivka and four branches in Petrushivka, Ivanytsia, Yuzhne and Martynivka villages.
Advisers of the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, found out what has changed and how this space works in the hromada at the meeting with Olena Karpenko, director of the public library, and librarian Natalia Klochko,
Ms Olena told that she had been thinking for a long time whether to apply for a competition. Though her desire to try something new and be useful to the hromada had prevailed. Together with the documents, she prepared a presentation of her vision of the public library development and operation in the AH.
Natalia Klochko became a librarian in Parafiyivka. "She's like a spark. She always has ideas and initiatives on how to make the library better and more interesting," says Olena Karpenko.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
libraries culture Kultura krashchi praktyky
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