The Lanchynska settlement amalgamated hromada in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast was formed of two councils in 2017, and starting with the next year switched to direct interbudgetary relations with the state. It immediately began to repair schools, purchase new utility equipment, and search for hromada development projects. Having seen the neighbour’s success, the Seredniy Maidan village council joined the AH. Now more than 10 thousand people live in the Lanchynska hromada. Its budget used to be three million hryvnias, and today they have turned into 56 million.
Within the UCMC-DOBRE project, Volodymyr Popovych, head of the AH, told about the way the Lanchynska AH began to earn and reasons for construction of the “Window to the Carpathians”.
According to the hromada head, the residents of the central settlements were ready to unite, and those who joined were afraid, so they had to be persuaded.
To identify current issues that were still unnoticed, the AH surveyed high school children.
Some of the identified problems are already in the process of solving, says Volodymyr Popovych. The Lanchynska AH has recently become a partner of the USAID DOBRE Programme and their first joint project will be open space creation in the park named after the writer and poet Yuriy Shkrumelyak.
The bridge in the AH was built jointly by the authorities and the residents.
In addition, Volodymyr Popovych named the figure of UAH 1.3 million hryvnias as an example of a decentralisation result – this sum was invested in the village of Dobrodiv.
Soon a modern ASC will be opened in the hromada. Documents for drainage and sewage systems, as well as construction of a collector, are being prepared.
The AH won the regional competition with its "Window to the Carpathians" project and got the opportunity to build a viewing tower and a recreational area in a convenient place.
The Lanchynska AH has signed an intermunicipal agreement with the neighbouring Pechenezhynska hromada to create a joint tourist route, a fragment of which is already operating as a popular site among travellers.
Volodymyr Popovych is convinced that hromada should work with business entities to earn – since they fill the budget and create jobs.
Besides, the hromada is looking for the possibility to install wind power generators.
A filling station started working in the AH from the 1st January 2019.
According to Volodymyr Popovych, now the land in their hromada is becoming more expensive, since the territory development can already be seen.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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