About 150 regional ASCs will be able to purchase additional documents issuing equipment, - Oleksandr Sayenko

During the last meeting, the Coordinating Council on the public administration reform supported the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade on the allocation of funds for the purchase of 210 sets of equipment for passport documents’ registration in 105 centres, established by local self-government bodies, and 50 sets for registration and issuance of driver's license, as well as vehicles’ registration in 50 more regional centres.

“Public administration needs to be a servicing one – work in the interests of citizens and provide high-quality administrative services,” said Oleksandr Sayenko, Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers, head of the Coordinating Council.

Provision of ASCs with equipment for the issue of relevant documents is envisaged by the action plan for implementation of the Ukraine’s Public Administration Reform Strategy for 2019-2021. Besides, within the framework of the reform, it is planned to allocate funds for the implementation of the e-government system in a number of state agencies and connection of individual state bodies to the general electronic system.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

29.03.2019 - 11:34 | Views: 9239
About 150 regional ASCs will be able to purchase additional documents issuing equipment, - Oleksandr Sayenko


Administrative services


Урядовий портал

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