In just a few years since the start of decentralisation, the library has been transformed into a coworking space with interest clubs and legal advice centre, the school has been modernised and attracts more and more pupils, and there has been constant search for investments. The secret of a hromada with 12,000 residents is simple – they do everything together.
Lyubov Ivanivna is a regular visitor. Thanks to her love for books, librarians know what to advise others to read
The library also practices book crossing. Presented books that cannot be registered as the library’s property are left by librarians available to all visitors
Iryna Safonova, director of the institution, has been working in the library system for 22 years. She says that together with librarians they used to purchase all the stationery and sometimes even the books at their own expense.
“We are now provided with everything. From 2015 we got into a fairy tale,” adds the library head enthusiastically.
Iryna Safonova, director of the library
This is not a unique library in the AH. There are three of them per 14 settlements. Iryna says that last year UAH 100 thousand were allocated for the purchase of books.
Librarian Antonina Konoplyova
Librarians say that detectives and romantic novels are the most popular among readers, but now Ukrainian literature makes their large part.
During decentralisation, local authorities bought games for children, multimedia device, music centre and computers.
From village archive
The library cooperates with the free legal advice centre, so anyone can consult with lawyers every Monday.
A cultural centre to host the library and local cultural clubs is now being built in the village.
Cultural centre is under construction
Largest part of the project is funded by the State Fund for Regional Development, since the AH still cannot afford premises of 2000 square metres.
The hromada took over the school after amalgamation. Its director Oleksandr Ovsyuk says that significant changes have taken place during decentralisation.
At the time of AH formation, there were 295 pupils in the school. In three years their number increased to 424. Earlier, according to Mr Ovsyuk, more than 100 children attended city schools. The first thing the hromada has done to return children to local schools was the creation of extended day groups (after-school clubs).
The next step was the improvement of the material and technical base.
“Each classroom was equipped with multimedia complexes, there is a speech therapy room, and wi-fi coverage,” the director says proudly. Every teacher's workplace is equipped with a laptop. The school has two modern linguaphone rooms, three computer classes and a hobby-room: workshops, classrooms to study painting and Motherland protection disciplines. All of this was achieved at the expense of the local budget. After classes children attend various interest clubs.
The number of children is increasing not only in Novooleksandrivka, but also in the other three schools of the hromada.
The school has recently passed energy audits to reduce gas and electricity costs for heating.
Teachers can attend trainings and participate in webinars.
Now, according to Oleksandr Vizir, head of Novooleksandrivka, the villages are almost at the same level of development.
However, the village council is concerned not only about social and household problems. Therefore, they are already thinking about investment attraction. Decentralisation is called one of the best tools for quality life in the village.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
libraries culture Kultura krashchi praktyky
Дніпропетровська областьГромади:
Новоолександрівська територіальна громадаSource:
Українська правда. Життя
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