Prime Minister: New stage of decentralisation is enshrinement of its achievements and irreversibility in Constitution

The decentralisation reform which is one of the most successful reforms of the Government enters a new stage of development that envisages consolidation of achievements and irreversibility in the Constitution of Ukraine, so that nobody could halt the development of a system of local self-government. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during his speech at the meeting of the Regional Development Council in Kharkiv.

The Head of Government stressed that resources, as well as tools for their effective use and multiplication were allocated to the ground. "And now it is necessary to protect the reform, to consolidate its goals in the Constitution, so that nobody could deprive hromadas of what rightfully belongs to them," he underlined.

The PM assured that all legislative decisions will be endorsed through a broad dialogue and discussions. "And I know that the country will be united, strong, independent. I am convinced that together we will achieve the goal", Volodymyr Groysman underscored.

14.03.2019 - 14:23 | Views: 8541
Prime Minister: New stage of decentralisation is enshrinement of its achievements and irreversibility in Constitution


Volodymyr Groysman Constitution novyi etap


Урядовий портал

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