According to the Ministry of Health, over a period of 8 months of the “Doctor for Every Family” campaign, more than 21 million Ukrainians have already chosen their family doctors, physicians or pediatricians, that is, every second residents of the country has already signed an agreement on the provision of primary healthcare services.
In the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, the number of signed declarations has increased from 34% to 57.5% over the last four months. In course of the first and second waves, 14 communal institutions of the oblast signed an agreement with the National Health Service, and according to the results of applications in the third wave, it is expected that all 44 communal enterprises will sign an agreement with the National Health Service of Ukraine for 2019.
Enterprises that entered into contractual relations with the NHSU during the the first wave show confident development both in economic activity and in improving the quality of provision of primary healthcare services. Revenues of individual primary healthcare providers, that signed their contracts with the NHSU, doubled in comparison with the amount received in the previous subvention period.
Although significant progress has been made in the process of signing contracts with primary healthcare physicians since August 2018, the oblast also faced specific difficulties during the reform process.
Natalia Husak, regional coordinator for the healthcare reform support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, outlined the main difficulties faced by the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast during the reform implementation and ways to improve the situation.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Івано-Франківська областьSource:
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